H.K.Founders Ltd.


Long Eaton Business Centre, 34 - 42 New Tythe Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham.  NG10 2DL. England.

Telephone: +44 (0) 870 285 6010.  Facsimile: +44 (0) 870 285 6012. 


E-mail: Sales@hk-founders.co.uk



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H.K. Founders supply cast iron lapping plates specifically for use within the silicon and quartz wafer industries.  The iron has been created using a martensitic form of spheroidal graphite.  This matrix offers longer life with enhanced wafer TTV's.  The RANGE also includes alternative iron materials for individual applications.

Lapping PlateOur lapping plates are available for sizes from 500mm to 2100mm diameter for Peter Wolters AL2F and AC range, Fujikoshi and Speedfam, Mitsunaga double sided lapping machines, single sided lapping plates are available for Peter Wolters and Hoffman machines.  Plates are supplied in a grooved STYLE or machined flat.

Martensite SampleTo match the characteristics of our iron we have a series of conditioning CARRIERS/gears.

Our policy is one of continuous development which has given SUPPORT to improve production of our customers products.  Typical is the round bottomed groove used in the cross hatch style plate.

All plates are custom made in ISO 9001 registered facilities.

Please send your drawing for a quotation.

Long Eaton Business Centre, 34 - 42 New Tythe Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham.  NG10 2DL. England.

Telephone: +44 (0) 870 285 6010.  Facsimile: +44 (0) 870 285 6012. 


E-mail: Sales@hk-founders.co.uk

HK Plate Properties

	       Strength    Elong      
	         N/mm2    % 	   HB		HSD		Type		Structure

PRPHK01	430	26	125-140	21-22		S.G.		Ferrite
PRPHK00	480	19	140-175	22-26   	S.G.   		85% Ferrite
PRPHK10	500       8	175-200	27-31   	S.G.   		Ferrite/Pearlite
PRPHK20	600	 9	200-235	31-36   	S.G.   		Martensite
PRPHK30	700	 2	235-290	36-44   	S.G.   		Martensite
PRPHK40       	200	 -	175-205	27-32   	GREY		Flake
PRPHK45	300       -	190-230	30-36   	GREY		Flake



Typically, crosshatched or serrated plates provide for the most efficient lapping. The abrasive slurry is more evenly dispersed through the channels formed by the grooves. Concentric and radial grooving are also available, as well as flat plates.


scan14.jpg (194424 bytes)A typical cross-hatch grooved plate available in sets of upper and lower plates fully machined to suit individual machines. Plate sizes from 800mm to 2200mm in diameter, at a thickness to meet machine requirement.

All plates are cast and heat treated to provide a through hardness and structure maximising life, minimising scratch rates and improving wafer TTV.

Grooves are machined at pitches to our specification or to customer requirements.  All plates have an individual number to provide product traceability and the continuous monitoring of performance.



scan16.jpg (806328 bytes)Radial grooved plates are supplied for quartz wafer production in plates up to 1000 mm diameter.  Our martensite material is used offering exceptional life expectancy.

Groove pitch is to customer requirements and are machined on a 4 axis computer controlled machining centre in a controlled environment.


Conditioning Carrier

hkcarrier1.jpg (389848 bytes)One of many styles of conditioning carrier in use.  hkpw.jpg (487720 bytes)All sizes and tooth profiles are produced to suit the individual machines. Standard hardness in material matches our plates to ensure the conditions suit martensite characteristics. Conditioning gears are provided as sets with plates or as a separate tooling item. 


Image18.jpg (302660 bytes)Cross hatch grooves of 2 and 3mm widths are machined with a radius bottom to reduce slurry entrapment in the corners of square grooves and give additional strength to the plate.



Image_12.jpg (438140 bytes) The edge of the plates can be supplied with a wide radius edge or traditional chamfer depending on customer preference.


Image10.jpg (262552 bytes)Upper plate slurry holes can be fitted with plastic inserts to the depth of the groove bottom.  This improves slurry pipe connection and reduces slurry or rust pockets developing.